Tuesday, January 29, 2008

COMM 317- Due Process of Law

Due process of law is an "unwritten" rule that allows a fair trial for the plaintiff and defendant. The government cannot take away a person's basic individual rights because it would violate the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

Walter Burgwyn Jones was a judge that served in the Alabama state legislature for a year, until he became a judge in 1935 for a circuit court who eventually, in 1956, ran for President. He wrote the Alabama Pleading and Practice of Law and The Confederate Creed.

T. Eric Embry was a defense lawyer in the libel case New York Times Company versus Sullivan. He became a justice of the Supreme Court in Alabama.

The climate of public opinion in Alabama in the 1960s was very low in my opinion because the court judges were prejudice against African Americans due to the fact that the Confederacy was gone.

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